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MESP 2007: Announcement and Invitation to Participate Print E-mail

The 4th Annual Edinburgh International Festival of Middle Eastern Spirituality
and Peace, Edinburgh, Scotland, Wednesday 7 February – Sunday 11 March 2007.

Announcement and Invitation to Participate

Please find below the Planning Timeline for the 2007 Festival. This has been developed to help individuals and organisations who may wish to participate in the 2007 Festival to meet the deadlines for the Festival Brochure production. Each event in the 2007 Festival will either be organised by the Festival Co-Directors, or be organised in close consultation with the Festival Co-Directors. See the Festival Guidelines for Participation for more information.

Individuals or organisations who may wish to participate in the 2007 Festival should submit a proposal by 10 July 2006. The Festival Co-Directors will give feedback on each proposal, and feedback on the practical steps required for the proposed event to be included in the 2007 Festival. For an event to be included in the 2007 Festival an agreed and accepted Festival event proposal must be concluded with the Festival Co-Directors by 10 September 2006 (including the proposed date, time, and venue), and finalised Festival event information must be delivered to the Festival Co-Directors by 1 November 2006 for inclusion in the Festival Brochure.

The Festival Co-Directors will be organising the lead events in the Festival. It is very important to liaise with the Festival Co-Directors on the selection of the event venue, the date and time of the event, any admission charge, the approach taken to organise the event, and how it fits into the Festival as a whole. The final decision on inclusion of an event in the Festival lies with the Festival Co-Directors, to ensure that all selected events are suitable for the 2007 Festival.

We prefer, if possible, that venues used for Festival events will have disabled access, though we appreciate that in some cases this is not possible. The Festival itself takes up no fixed position on any political, ethical, or cultural question, and has an emphasis on spirituality, and on spiritual, educational and artistic and cultural approaches to peace and understanding. Please bear this in mind when submitting proposals.

Proposals are very welcome for festival pre-events, exhibitions and displays, education processes, school visits, visits to places of worship, visits to places of spiritual significance, workshops, talks, dialogues, forums, times for reflection, spiritual practice events, services, spiritual observances, intra-spiritual and inter-spiritual sharing, community building events, creative engagement events, deepening of spirituality events, events based upon open space approaches, networking events, retreats, vigils, training sessions, book launches, media events, arts and cultural events – including music, dance and movement, drama, visual arts, storytelling, poetry, crafts, film, animation, mime, clowning, etc, among others that you may wish to suggest.

We look forward to receiving your proposals for 2007 Festival events, and to working with you to bring the event to fruition as part of the 2007 Festival!

2007 Festival Planning

The 4th Annual Edinburgh International Festival of Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace, Edinburgh, Scotland, Wednesday 7 February – Sunday 11 March 2007, is jointly organised by The Edinburgh International Centre for World Spiritualities, EICWS, and, The Edinburgh Institute for Advanced Learning, EIAL.

Planning Timeline for the 2007 Festival

Report on the 2006 Festival sent out: 15 April 2006
Announcement/Invitation for 2007 Festival proposals sent out: 15 April 2006
Deadline for submission of proposal for 2007 Festival participation: 10 July 2006
Deadline for agreed 2007 Festival event proposal: 10 September 2006
Deadline for finalised 2007 Festival event information: 1 November 2006
2007 Festival Brochure finalised: 5-23 November 2006
2007 Festival Brochure to printers: 23 November 2006
2007 Festival Brochure from printers: 4 December 2006
2007 Festival: Wednesday 7 February – Sunday 11 March 2007

Festival Proposal Submission

Please submit your proposals for 2007 Festival participation by 10 July 2006 to the address below.

Festival Volunteering

The Festival Co-Directors would welcome offers to volunteer in the Festival.

Festival Hospitality

The Festival Co-Directors would also welcome offers of hospitality, by agreeing to host a meal for several people participating in the Festival. This will provide an excellent opportunity to make new connections with people inspired by the Festival theme. Further, perhaps some people would like to offer to host one or more people visiting the Festival, for a day or more during their stay.

Festival Sponsorship

The Festival Co-Directors would welcome being put in contact with potential Festival sponsors. Both financial and in-kind sponsorship would be welcome.


Neill Walker,
4 William Black Place,
South Queensferry,
Edinburgh, EH30 9PZ.
Scotland. UK.
Ph: +44 (0)131 331 4469
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