2007 Edinburgh International Festival of Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace, 7 February – 11 March 2007 Proposal Submission Form Event Title: Venue: Date/Time: Event Description: (up to 100 words): Brief Biography Statement (up to 50 words): Cost: Contact and Booking Arrangements: Notes:
0. Please carefully read both the Planning Timeline and Invitation to Participate, and, Guidelines for Event Submission 2007 before submitting an event proposal; 1. Please indicate which of the 5 strands of the Festival best describe the event; 2. Please ensure that in any publicity and press releases that you do that you accurately include reference to the Festival and to the Festival website, www.mesp.org.uk, and include the Festival logo. It is recommended that you liaise with the Festival Directors if you are going to do a press release, since the Festival puts out many press releases; 3. Please ensure that the Middle East Festival is accurately acknowledged at the event; 4. Please provide one high resolution photo associated with the event; 5. Please carefully check your proposal submission for accuracy; 6. All events included in the Middle East Festival are unique to the Festival and should not be co-branded with any other series or Festival; 7. Please give any related website link for the event. Please return the completed Proposal Submission Form, preferably by email, to: Neill Walker, The Edinburgh International Centre for World Spiritualities, EICWS, Scottish Charity, SC030155, 4 William Black Place, South Queensferry, Edinburgh, EH30 9PZ. Scotland. UK. Ph: +44 (0)131 331 4469, email:
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